
Abandoned Place被遗弃的地方UE4场景资源包



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宝贝详情 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Abandoned Place被遗弃的地方UE4场景资源包

Abandoned place pack is the right tool for creating scarry and shivering atmosphere.

Abandoned place pack is the right tool for creating scary and shivering atmosphere. This pack based on "Master material" that works with vertex paint for better transition between textures. This combination will give you better visual results in your scene. Abandoned pack contains basic primitives optimized for mesh paint and tessellation. With big list of materials you can mix for e.g. dirt and concrete, control texture coords for better tiling, change color or normal intensity, control height map and much more.
Technical Details

Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Texture Size - 4096x4096, 2048x2048, 1024x(咨询特价)
Collision- Yes, automatically generated
Vertex Count: 9325 - 19
LODs: no
Number of Meshes: 277 (included cracked parts)
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 177
Number of Textures: 101
Engine Compatibility: 4.8, 4.9
Intended Platform: PC
Platforms Tested: PC
Documentation Included: No 

